The Hungarian EIONET Network of EEA kindly invites you for its conference on TRANSITOON TO A SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORT. The event will start at 13:00 PM on 6th of March, Budapest, Kossuth L. tér 11.
What are the main directions in Europe towards sustainable mobility? What are Mobility Plans for? How about electric cars? What does MÁV do for being more sustainable? Is BKK also active? What kind of events can help mind shift? Do all these changes create new jobs? Do we have good examples in city logistics and in car sharing? Come and let’s discuss!
Draft Agenda:
13:00 Welcome Speech
András Rácz, Dr., Deputy State Secretary for Environmental Affairs, Ministry of Agriculture
13:10 Main statements of the EEA report titled: Transition towards a more sustainable mobility system
Mike Asquith, European Environmental Agency
13:40 Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) in Hungary - Challenges and Experiences
András Ekés, Mobilissimus Kft.
14:00 The Jedlik Ányos Programme
Zsuzsanna Bibók, Ministry of Agriculture
14:20 Sustainability programmes of the Hungarian State Railways (MÁV Group)
Krisztina Wégner, Dr., Environmental Office, MÁV Group
14:40 Coffee break
15:00 Sustainability projects of the Centre for Budapest Transport (BKK Zrt.)
László Sándor Kerényi, Centre for Budapest Transport
15:20 European Mobility Week and Car Free Day in Hungary
Szabolcs Simon, Ministry of National Development
15:35 Cycling and green jobs (study by UNECE, UNEP and WHO)
Miklós Marton, Ministry of Agriculture
15:45 Zero Emission City Logistics in Budapest
Zsolt Kilián, Hajtás Pajtás Kerékpáros Futárszolgálat
16:00 Car sharing in Hungary
Bálint Michaletzky, GreenGo
16:15 Questions and answers
The event is free of charge but open only for registered guests. Please express your will to come at this link:
We hope to see you soon!